Guruzsmás - Üst A Gríz Felett

Somebody who is called a "guruzsmás" is a person who's able to put a spell on someone else, or who himself/herself is being enchanted.

The band Guruzsmás sounds like if Béla Bartók was doing a guest apperance in an episode of The Simpsons which took place at the land of the Csangos or somwhere at the Transdanubian parts of Hungary. After losing all his knowledge of music theory, he is still playing (punk) tunes relying only on his instincts.  It's a cross-section between some formation of the ancient infinity and a smart, tricky country fellow who has a philosopher lost deep inside of him. There are three kinds of stuff we play: Songs, compositions and stories.

Until 2014 we used to believe in ideas and distorted conceptions, and we were not reluctant to accept any kind of labels, because we believed, that with using fixed thoughts we can express ourselves. Although in the same year the sense of isolation and the sourrinding walls started choking us, so we threw away all the previous preconceptions in order to set our mind free. We let the catagories and the dogmas remain the weapons of the others. In the month of our break-up we set about experimenting, and founded a new formation called Guruzsmás.

By that time with Mr. Doctor we had been playing together for a while, so it was obvious who got the bass guitarist’s post, and we found the drummer in Bláziusz, who can encourage our instument-raping experiments. I decided to stick to my guitar, and started to broaden my repertoire. Tomi heard us once and he got totally exicted, so he joined us on the journey as well. We jointly form all the orgies around the sounds breaking out of my mind, and keep playing with the difficult mixture of traditional folk music, raw punk energy and psych rock. Our foursome recorded the first studio demo material called Fordítsd ki a sz?rödet! in 2015. It was a big suprise how people loved it. Now we made our first material which we are very proud of. The continous experimenting is stimulating us to let down the chains of the concrete-being and to travel between the earth and the sky above.

Release: Guruzsmás - Üst A Gríz Felett
Format: Digital
Release Date: December 14th 2016
Record label: Secret Entertainment
Genre:  Alternative psychedelic experimental progressive industrial shaman post-folk rock
Country: Hungary


Track list
1. Kegyelmet - Mercy
2. Nyitás a Kozmosz felé - Opening to the cosmos
3. Üst a gríz felett - Caldron over the semolina
4. Intermez? - Interplain
5. Az eke rosszabbik oldalán - On the wrong side of the plow
6. Éjjeli hús - Night meat
7. Hegyitangó - Mountain tango
8. Engedelmet - Your permission

Bencze Tibor (Timur) – lead guitar, tilinkó, kaval, throat singing
Háklár Tamás (Tomi) – rhythm guitar, kazakh dombra, digeridoo
Dallman Kristóf (Mr. Doctor) – bassguitar
Fekete Balázs (Blasius) – drums
Novák Jakab (Dr. Jacoby) – zither (guest member on the studio session)

Ugar\Plain (2014)
Demo I. (2014)
Engem már nem tutúltat senki \ Nobody makes me cry anymore (single) (2015)
Az Él? Csizmaszár \ The Living Bootleg (2015)
Fordítsd ki a sz?rödet! \ Turn out your cloak! (2015)
Hegyitangó \ Mountain tango (single) (2016)
Üst A Gríz Felett (Album) 2016
